Francis Scott Key Bridge
More than 30,000 vehicles a day crossed the bridge, which opened in 1977.
Tanyard Cove
Hawkins Point
Collapsed portion of bridge
Container ship
Area of impact
Four-lane highway
Baltimore city
Patapsco River
Francis Scott Key Bridge
More than 30,000 vehicles a day crossed the bridge, which opened in 1977.
Tanyard Cove
Hawkins Point
Collapsed portion of bridge
Container ship
Area of impact
Four-lane highway
Baltimore city
Patapsco River
Tanyard Cove
Hawkins Point
Collapsed portion of bridge
Francis Scott Key Bridge
Container ship
Area of impact
More than 30,000 vehicles a day crossed the bridge, which opened in 1977.
Patapsco River
Baltimore city
Four-lane highway
Tanyard Cove
Hawkins Point
Fort Armistead Park
Patapsco River
Collapsed portion of bridge
Area of impact
Container ship
Francis Scott Key Bridge
More than 30,000 vehicles a day crossed the bridge, which opened in 1977.
Patapsco River
Four-lane highway
Baltimore city